
【 Science 】 Tranexamic acid and glutathione in the end how to use with water and light, remember to collect oh!

Extra! Extra! The whitening power of tranexamic acid and glutathione has been exposed!

The secret of the small circle in the studio, accidentally know these two Kings of price comparison.

A lot of friends private message asked how to use, these days sorted out, the following content must be collected, no need to ask for people in the future.

What is glutathione?

Glutathione, one of the most common substances in the human body, is found in almost every cell in the body.

As a small molecule active peptide in human cells, glutathione has the function of maintaining the normal function of immune system, anti-oxidation and detoxification.

Glutathione content in the human body

Glutathione efficacy

The latest research shows that glutathione has wonders in whitening skin care and anti-aging.

Glutathione can protect skin cells to a certain extent, so as to prevent skin aging and pigmentation, reduce the formation of melanin, improve skin antioxidant capacity and make skin shine, GSH also has a good role in the treatment of keratopathy and improve sexual function.

Glutathione also acts as a natural antioxidant and has the ability to scavenge free radicals from the body.

So what is a free radical?

Free radicals are the “big pests” in our body, which can bring great harm to our body.

Under normal circumstances, our bodies can dispose of these free radicals.

With the deterioration of our living environment and incorrect living habits, our bodies have been overwhelmed and unable to deal with free radicals as usual.

Exogenous glutathione supplementation is necessary. At the same time, glutathione can effectively enhance the ability of cells to prevent radiation, treat the leukopenia caused by radiation drugs or radiation and bone marrow tissue inflammation, which is an essential substance for the human body to resist radiation.

Under normal circumstances, GSH in mammalian cells mainly exists in a reduced state, the concentration is usually 0.5-10mmol, accounting for more than 85%-90% of the total GSH content, which can remove and detoxify the active intermediate products spontaneously produced by cells or caused by external toxic factors, and has the effect of protecting cells.

When the body is exposed to radiation, it can produce oxidative reactive oxygen species and free radicals. Intracellular glutathione antioxidant system can effectively remove the reactive oxygen species and free radicals caused by radiation and reduce the damage of radiation to cells.

On this basis, glutathione has the effect of inhibiting cell gene variation and improving the immune system. High concentration of GSH can activate the activity of immune cells, accelerate the differentiation and multiplication of T cells and B cells, and improve the ability to resist the invasion of foreign pathogenic substances such as bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Pharmacological effects of glutathione

Exogenous glutathione supplementation is necessary

A healthy and well-nourished person is able to continuously remove toxins.

Due to the increase in environmental pollution, the depletion of glutathione stores in the human body is increasing rapidly.

The liver is the body’s detoxification organ and is high in glutathione. Studies have shown that decreased levels of glutathione can cause damage to liver function, resulting in more and more toxins remaining in the body, which can cause damage to cells and organs.

Unfortunately, with age, disease, and even exercise, intracellular glutathione levels decline, and all cells in the body must produce glutathione themselves, thus requiring constant replenishment of the raw material for glutathione synthesis.

The concentration of glutathione in human cells is less than 40%, the cell activity is reduced, the immune function is suppressed, and the risk of disease is increased.

Oral glutathione supplementation can improve the body’s ability to clear free radicals, repair cells damaged by free radicals, activate cell activity to enhance immunity, and play an important role in reducing the occurrence of fatty liver, viral hepatitis, and drug-induced hepatitis.

Glutathione itself has the effect of whitening and lightening spots, which can reduce the production of blackboards in the skin by inhibiting the production of melanin.

GSH can also promote skin metabolism, improve skin immunity, thus playing a role in improving skin quality and brightening skin tone.

Glutathione is in powder form and needs to be mixed with water to be used.

Usage method

If it is 0.6g, you can use 3-4ml of normal saline, and then pump 1-1.5ml out with water and light.

As for more or less, it depends on your requirements, after all, everyone’s basis is different, and the rest should not wasted, directly apply on the face after the end of water and light, and then apply a medical mask.

What is tranexamic acid?

Tranexamic acid, as a commonly used clinical whitening agent, known as tranexamic acid in cosmetics, which sounds familiar.

It can play a role in different stages of melanin formation.

It can used alone, or combined with glutathione or VC, and added to water and light.

And for the treatment of melasma has a significant effect, but also can significantly brighten the skin, make the skin more transparent white.

It not only exists in cosmetics, but also is very popular in the field of medical and Chinese germ layer.

It can also be introduced by needle rolling or microcrystal is also a very common method, this method is also more commonly used in many regular hospitals, which can promote the absorption of nutrients, so as to achieve better whitening effects.

Wet compress: This method is also very friendly for small white, the gauze or mask cloth soaked in tranexamic acid, and then directly applied on the face, through the wet compress method to promote skin absorption, note that after the wet compress must be applied a hydrating mask to supplement the skin moisture, otherwise it will be a little dry oh ~

Usage method

Tranexamic acid generally has two more common, one is 0.25g,5ml5 bottles, and the other is 0.1g,2ml10 bottles. Generally speaking, the dose of 0.1g-0.2g is enough, that is to say, if it is a daily ordinary whitening with a small branch of this 2ml one, if you want to freckle, then directly use this 2 bottles, mixed with water and light.

5 ml of this long according to this algorithm to extract, the rest can also be directly applied to the face after the end of the water.


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