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How amazing is glutathione, the mother antioxidant?

Glutathione / 08/12/2024

One amazing disease-fighting, aging, energizing, detoxifying, and beauty antioxidant is glutathione (GSH).

What is glutathione?

Glutathione is an "endogenous" peptide synthesized by three amino acids: glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine in the cell, and is one of the most important non-protein sulfhydryl compounds in the body.

Glutathione has two forms of reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG), more than 95% of glutathione in the human body is in reduced form (GSH), the total content of young adults in the body is about 15 grams, 1.5-2 grams per day will be synthesized, involved in more than 30 major biochemical metabolic functions in the body.

GSH is an antioxidant, an antidote, produced in every cell in the human body, and it is our first line of defense against everything.

Glutathione's most important job is to protect the body from the daily attack of free radicals, rogue molecules that cause damage to all aspects of the cell, setting the stage for disease and accelerated aging.

Glutathione kills these free radicals, preventing melanin production from the front end.

When ultraviolet light shines on the skin, a large number of free radicals produced, which activates the melanin production mechanism.

GSH can inhibit the activity of rosinase and regulate the transition mechanism from eumelanin to phaeomelanin production.

Glutathione is widely involved in all aspects of melanin production, which can eliminate free radicals, antioxidants, whiten skin, fade dark spots, and anti-aging effects.

GSH also absorbs waste and environmental toxins, such as pesticides and metals, and GSH helps the body flush out toxins that sneak into the system.

Why is glutathione called the mother of antioxidants

The reason why glutathione called the mother of antioxidants that GSH is the only antioxidant that has a self-recycling mechanism in the body.

After GSH oxidized in the body to oxidized glutathione (GSSG), GSSG can converted back to the reduced form of GSH through the action of glutathione reductase and coenzymes.

At the same time, GSH can assist in the recycling of other "exogenous" antioxidants that have no self-recycling function, such as VA, VC, VE, etc.

GSH has a good combination effect with major antioxidants such as Coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid and selenium.

Through these, it will help delay aging and keep the skin clear and bright.

What happens when glutathione is deficient?

After human nutrition absorbed through the stomach and intestines, it eventually converted into energy in the cell "mitochondria". During this conversion process, glutathione is the necessary substance for providing REDOX.

The main organ responsible for detoxification in the human body the liver, and the main detoxification substance in the liver GSH, which is why 70-80% of GSH in the body concentrated in the liver.

Glutathione is the source of all kinds of immune cell nutrition, and the immune system in the human body cannot do without GSH.

In response to the excessive oxidation of free radicals in the body, glutathione coordinates many antioxidants to play a comprehensive antioxidant function, and the low GSH content in the body will not be able to maintain the health and quality of life.

Glutathione decreased with age
Glutathione decreased with age

But the amount of glutathione in the body decreases with age. Most people's ability to produce glutathione begins to decline after about age 20, and by the time you're in your 40s, your GSH levels can drop by as much as 30 percent.

And the less GSH you have, the less likely you are to properly deal with threats to your health, with environmental harms such as air pollution, latent toxins in products, junk food, smoking, drinking, overwork, worry, and even too much strenuous exercise all sending your demand for GSH soaring.

Over time, glutathione deficiency can make the body more vulnerable to a range of problems, such as liver disease, tumors, aging, and endocrine diseases.

How to supplement glutathione?

Glutathione is the human body's natural detoxification, antioxidant and immune promotion of valuable genes, but because of modern civilization, pollution, eating habits and life pressure and can not achieve the effect, life can obtained from food, eat more "sulfur" food, such as garlic, onion, cauliflower, water spinach, cabbage, avocado, watermelon, strawberries, turmeric, milk thistle, Bioactive whey protein can help increase glutathione in the body, but the GSH content of food very limited, and can not meet the GSH needs in the body, and the vicious cycle leads to the imbalance in the body and premature aging.

foods rich in glutathione

The concentration of GSH can increase the content of intracellular GSH. Can effectively function on the body, through various ways, self-repair, disease resistance and anti-aging.

Intravenous supplementation has been the only way for physicians to supplement GSH for liver patients in the past few decades, and it is absolutely effective because the distribution of GSH in the human body is 70-80% in the liver.

Intravenous GSH, including whitening needles, also proportionally left mainly in the liver, with intravenous GSH circulating to the face less than 5% of the injected dose.

Normal human skin tissue, which contains about five parts per million of GSH, has a 90% reduction in glutathione after one hour of UV exposure.

Skin needs glutathione, how to supplement? How do you get enough?

Topical glutathione preparation with transdermal absorption is an effective solution.

Targeted drug delivery, transdermal drug delivery, has been the direction of European and American pharmaceutical industry efforts in the past 20 years, and has also achieved certain results.

Glutathione mystery

Although the effect of reduced glutathione powerful, because of the activity of GSH sulfhydryl, it has a fatal disadvantage, that is, it is afraid of light, afraid of water, afraid of high temperature, poor stability, and has oxidized in the air.

Reduced glutathione dissolved in an aqueous solution can only stored for 2 hours at room temperature, and only 8 hours at 0 ~ 5 ° C.

Glutathione brightening gel (GSH) microinfiltration patent breakthrough solves two problems:

① Protect GSH from oxidation in the product;

② Instantly open the skin barrier, target, high concentration, high efficiency percutaneous absorption, GSH into the systemic circulation.

Glutathione Bulk powder
Glutathione Factory

The special structure of a microosmotic sac with a hydrophilic outer wall and a lipophilic inner wall.

Each microinfiltration capsule specially treated to contain 7-10 GSH and VC molecules and protect them from oxidation.

The experimental data show that 99.99% of GSH and VC in GSH gel wrapped in microosmotic sacs.

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